Adoption Status: Adopted!

Hi! My name is Miyu. I am a 3-month old female pure bred Shiba Inu and I am in one of DC SIR’s foster homes. I was born to a backyard breeder who sold puppies on Craigslist. What is a backyard breeder you ask? Well it’s someone who breeds animals, often without registration and little regard for our health. They don’t adhere to good breeding care and sales practices, and often lack adequate vet care. They mainly just want to make a quick buck! Luckily a neighbor cared enough to find some help so that I did not end up being a puppy in poor health and in a bad home. Whew! The nice neighbor has a sister who is a vet and she will spayed and neutered all the breeders dogs, and helped to find DC SIR. I am so lucky the neighbor helped me from being given away on Craigslist. I am so happy to have a second chance at finding a forever home.The one week I’ve spent with DC SIR has been filled with excitement. I’ve played with all the other dogs, gone on outings, and visited pet stores. DC SIR says I’m a firecracker! But really I’m just very bold, adventurous and super intelligent – a typical my-way-or-the-highway Shiba Inu! I’m enjoying exploring and its so much better than being at the backyard breeder. I like to cuddle, but only when I feel like it.I like to act like the older dogs and sleep in big dog beds and chase them around. I can be a little indifferent at times, but I promise to learn my manners if you will be patient with me. Soon enough, I’ll be giving you lots of kisses! I am a young puppy and have so much love and life to give. Please keep an eye out for my photo album and all my beautiful pictures.Miyu will be adopted out on a force free training contract. Please educate yourself on our training policies before you apply to adopt Miyu.