Unfortunately, each year in the U.S., between 4.5 and 5 million people are bitten by dogs. 

Children are by far the most frequent victims of dog bites, and are far more likely to be seriously injured. Most dog bites to children happen during normal daily activities and while interacting with familiar dogs. Senior citizens are the second most common dog bite victims. 

Dogs rarely bite out of the blue. In rescue, we’ve heard countless times that a dog bit a family member out of the blue. Upon observing the dog and family, we see a myriad of blatant warning signals from the dog that they are stressed. Humans often misread, ignore or ascribe incorrect interpretations to canine behavior.

As pet guardians, we need to learn canine body language and remove stressors and/or create new emotional responses to stressful things. "Since 77% of bites come from a dog your kids may know and love — how do you protect them? By teaching them. And by keeping your kids safe, you're keeping dogs safe too."

While it is important to read canine body language, hiring a competent professional is essential in managing and modifying behavior. For those of you who are actively looking for a trainer, we highly suggest you use The Pet Professional Guild to begin your search.

For more information on biting:

Dog Bite Prevention Tips for Parents, Kids and Dog Owners

Stop the 77

How Kids Should and Should Not Interact with Dogs

Seven Stages to a Bite