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Wolfie is one of our senior Alumni. He was rescued in February 2013, and adopted in March 2013. See Wolfie’s story and photo album. Wolfie’s dad has sent us several updates and photos:

Wolfie is a great dog, and I sure hope he’s happy here.  I’ve discovered he loves puddles above all else.  And the ocean, and waterfalls.  He goes beserk. It goes beyond the tennis ball thing even.  I wonder about his past, and if he was a back-yard dog with a dotting elderly owner.  One can never tell.

Wolfie’s learned to walk off leash, just begun to sleep in the bed sometimes (he’s got two of his own and loves ’em!), and absolutely adores everybody he meets.  He is a very affectionate, very inclusive dog.

Wolfie is a really good dog and we sure do enjoy each other.  We have strongly bonded.  I can now let him run around the park with no leash – as long as there are no other dogs about.  He is a great dog.

Thank you to Wolfie’s dad for the updates!